High resolution photos to Lasiliiri Oy’s safety glass in Katajanokka
The common areas of the building, which has been renovated into a residential building on Kruunuvuorenkatu in Katajanokka, Helsinki, are now decorated with beautiful pictures mounted on the walls. The interior elements in the corridors of buildings should be chosen so that they are durable. In areas with a lot of people, safety issues must also be taken into account. This time, a surprisingly functional combo of photographs and glasses was used to get a new look.
The glasses for the site were delivered by Lasiliiri Oy, and OM Yhtiöt Oy acted behind the high-quality print and installation work.
More personal look was installed on the colorful walls of the site to bring spectacular glasswork. The impressive photographs that adorn the walls are made by digitally printing the images on a film sandwiched between two laminated safety glasses. Impressive and accurate images were obtained with the high resolution that is possible when printing on film and not directly on the glass surface. The image between the glasses also has the advantage of its location – the image behind the glass is protected from scratches, vandalism and temperature fluctuations, among other things. A digitally printed film between the glasses is an easy way to personalize the space in both private and public spaces.
Lasiliiri Oy in Riihimäki is a family company specializing in the further processing of glass, whose expertise includes energy-efficient glass solutions and demanding safety glass structures. All the company’s comprehensive services can be found conveniently and efficiently under one roof. Lasiliiri Oy’s products include insulating glass, tempered glass, laminated glass, tempered laminated glass, fire protection glass and smart glass. Lasiliiri Oy’s products are known for the Arctic Glass® and Smart Glass® brands.