Please leave this field empty. Reason for complaint: Lohkeama(03)Naarmu (04)Pinnoitevika (05)Lika (06)Huono hionta (07)Väärät mitat (08)Kittausvika (11)Välilistat porrastaa (12)Karkaisun suoruus (13)Väärä lasilaatu (14)Väärä rakenne (15)Pukilla rikki (21)Kuljetusvaurio (22)Väärin vahvistettu (23)Puuttunut kuormasta (24)Muu vika, tarvitaan tarkempi kuvaus.
A more detailed description of the product defect: Illustrative photos (if there is a sticker on the glass, take a photo of that too): *Once you have submitted the feedback form, we will send you an email within two (2) working days to let you know what action we will take. *We are not responsible for defects caused by inadequate storage/protection or improper installation/maintenance, nor for normal wear and tear.